Honduras is a republic in Central America. It shares borders with Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua.

Currently, over half of the nation's population still live below the poverty line.
1/3 of infants are malnourished
18% of the population have no access to basic health services
10% lack access to safe water
1/3 lack access to sanitation
Recently, Honduras has been hit unusually hard by tropical storms and hurricanes in recent years, including severe flooding in 2008 that killed dozen of people, and displaced over 20,000 Hondurans – half of whom were children.
Issues children face in Honduras:
- Diarrhea
- Colds, Coughs, Fevers
- Respiratory Illnesses
- Skin Diseases
- Worms
- Malnutrition
- Gang Violence
- Allergies
- Parasites
- Dengue Fever
- Dental Problems
Many communities are in desperate need of employment opportunities, potable water, sewage systems, schools, vocational training centres, paved streets, security from gang violence, drug and alcohol abuse rehabilitation centres, health care, tuition assistance, teachers, scholastic materials, garbage collection, recreational centres and increased incomes.
Compassion International began working in Honduras in 1974. Close to 37,000 children participate in around 174 Child Development Centres. Compassion Australia assists over 1,900 of these children. Currently 55 students participate in the Leadership Development Program.
To sponsor a child from Honduras through Compassion Australia click here