Meet Peter. He is 17 years old. He lives in Mzuzu, Malawi.
Peter's dream is to "Change my life from Illiteracy to Literacy". He wants to complete High School so he can achieve his ambition of becoming a Lawyer.
The bad news: Peter is living in poverty. His family cannot afford to pay his school fees or purchase his compulsory uniform.
The good news: Peter is enrolled in United With Hope's Sponsorship Program. For $7 a month we are paying for Peter to attend High School, so he can "be educated and be able to stand on my own".
There are many more students just like Peter who are waiting for a sponsor so they can pursue their education. Sponsorship fees begin at $7 per month. To view waiting children click here
So YES, $7 can change somebody's life. And for us, we are changing Peter's life. Welcome Peter to our family.